Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Catching Up!!

It's been a busy month since our last post. The biggest news is that Collin is off and crawling everywhere. He is certainly a busy body and exploring everything he can get his hands on. We will tell him 'eh-eh' or 'no' when he starts crawling for something potentially harmful. He'll stop, look at you, laugh and then continue on. Oh boy. Collin just had his 9month check-up and he is perfect -- just like his brother:) 20lbs, 29inches. He has been more consistent for sleeping through the night. Every 3-4 nights, he'll wake up and want a bottle, but most nights he'll sleep straight through. Additionally, his first tooth (bottom right) has popped through his gums. He has been drooling like crazy and chomping on his fingers, but unlike his brother didn't show many signs of pain/fever/etc.

Hugh's character is continuing to develop. He absorbs everything. The things that he recalls amazes us -- quite a memory. He certainly is exhibiting many characteristics of a typical 2 year old. He loves to have fun and is quite funny, yet is full of drama and is not afraid to test those around him. Just a few weeks ago, he feel and skinned his knee (multiple times in a day). Each time, he would throw a fit and shout over and over "I can't walk. No Mommy & Daddy. I can't walk." It was so over dramatized that Hugh and I could hardly hold back the laughter. So much for being a tough guy:)

Mommy and Daddy are doing great. Mommy is traveling every 2-3 weeks with some of her new responsibilities at work. Specifically, growing some global business. Being away from the boys for a lengthy period of time (1 week) is not easy by any means, but both grandmas are really a HUGE help:)

We are enjoying every bit of this warm weather and try to spend most days outside. We look forward to seeing family soon for Easter, as well as many upcoming birthday parties.

Cheers and Love,
Hugh, Stef, Hugh & Collin

Friday, February 17, 2012

Fun Friday in the Ballpit

Today, we enjoyed visits from Sandy, Cason, as well as Jen - yeah!! Fun Friday for the boys and Mommy:) Prior to everyone coming over, the boys were enjoying some time together in the ball pit. It's deflated, but it's still a ton of fun!! The second picture of Collin having some alone time in the pit cracks me up. He was shouting and throwing the balls everywhere. Hmmmm....wonder where he got that idea?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Fun in the tub

Tonight, we let both boys bathe together. Usually, little Hugh is not a fan of sharing the bathtub with his brother, but we didn't give him another option tonight. Although it's not the first time they've bathed together, it was certainly the most fun. We were able to catch the action on the video camera. Both boys were laughing hysterically while we were all splashing and singing (very loudly out of tune) "Splish Splash I was taking a bath". When Hugh and I would start singing, Collin would shout 'ahhhh' and continue on until we were done. So cute:)

Hugh, our little salesman

All day today, little Hugh kept coming up to Hugh and I whispering, "If you go pee pee or poo poo on the potty, I'll give you some licorice." When we would answer that we didn't need to go, he would say, "Yes, Mommy/Daddy you do need to go and you'll get some licorice too". He persisted until one of us would say "Yes".

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Great visit today with Great Pop Pop

Today, we spent the day with Great Pop Pop. The boys enjoyed playing at Dida and Pop Pop's house. Lil' Hugh loves the kitchen set and must have pretended to serve all of us coffee/tea/milk and water most of the day. Until, he found the basketballs, of course:) Collin wore himself out chewing on the cups from the kitchen set and then jumping in the jumper. Perhaps, they will sleep in tomorrow AM?? He, he, he:) Have a great night!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

A very belated happy new year

Christmas was very fun this year. To keep it short, we stayed in our jammies until 4pm and played/opened gifts from Santa all morning. After the PM naps, we enjoyed our visits with family. Collin loved the wrapping paper and Hugh loved his train set from Santa. Santa was up very late assembling the train set, but admitted it was worth every moment:)

2012 has been okay so far. We must be passing around lots of germs because we've all had a touch of the bug -- both sinus and stomach. Although the weather has been beautiful and the boys have enjoyed time outside at the park, it's also been a bit rough on our bodies. Right now, we are watching the snow fall with very little accumulation. We're ready for a taste of winter and snow so we can go out and play. Bring it on!!

In the past month and half, Collin has been growing like a weed. He rolls all over the floor getting wherever he wants when he wants. He'll rock on his knees, so we are very close to a crawl. He also continues to repeat his first word....'mama'!! Trained him well:) Additionally, he'll clap, most often for his brother.

Hugh continues to crack us up and also keep us on our toes. He is certainly living up to the expectation of a two year old. Everything is his or done his way. Timeout is somewhat of a tradition these days. When not in trouble:), he is most often shooting with his new Phoeniz, AZ basketball, reading books or begging to watch Mickey. Right now, he reads what he calls the 'apple car book'. It's an alphabet book for many types of cars -both real and fantasy. He'll read the whole book to us. Sometimes, he'll even try to trick us (to see if we're paying attention) and then look up a smile.

We hope everyone is doing well and hope to be in touch on the blog very soon!!

Cheers and Love,
Hugh, Stef, lil Hugh & Collin

Monday, December 5, 2011

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas

We had a fun weekend seeing Santa, getting the Christmas tree and decorating the house.

On Saturday, we went to breakfast with Santa at St. Tims. We ate some yummy breakfast and then visited with Santa. We stood in line for our pics and when we were two families deep, little Hugh decided it was time to go #2 - lovely:) After a diaper change and clearing some runny noses, we were able to get a good picture with both boys with Santa. Somehow they were both looking at the camera -- woo hoo!! The best part is when Hugh and I went to pick up the boys off Santa's lap, Collin had a death grip on Santa's beard and Santa's beard was also tucked under little hugh's arm. Whoops!! Sorry about your beard Santa:) Hope we didn't pull it too hard.

On Sunday, we picked up our tree at Fries brothers. A big thanks to Snake for a beautiful tree!! Little Hugh had a blast decorating the tree or should I say decorating the same branch with 4-5 ornaments!! Pop Pop also took little Hugh to see Santa for a second time at the Lions Club. This time Hugh wasn't so crazy about sitting on Santa's lap, but he did have fun!!

A funny moment during the weekend is that little Hugh decided to call me 'Dawg'. Wonder where he got that??? Daddy?? He would randomly say. "Mommy, can you turn up the music dawg" or "Mommy, let's decorate the tree dawg". He thinks he's quite the funny man and I'm sure it doesn't help that we laugh hysterically each time he says it.

Hope everyone had a great weekend too!!

Our Sweet Angel Hugh IV

Our Sweet Angel Hugh IV

Daddy, Mommy & Hugh

Daddy, Mommy & Hugh

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas